The girls only/Rachel's bday/visit Tylia/road trip began on Friday morning at 10am. Michelle drove Helya, Sejal, and me and we headed out for San Diego! After 8 hours of traffic, heat, horrible singing, and many freeways, we finally made it to the Courtyard Marriott Downtown. We were meeting Rachel and Tylia for dinner at 7, so we rushed to Ralphs for our drinking supplies and got dressed to go out. The birthday girl arrived, and Tylia called, asking what tower we were in. Now, as you can see by the picture, there is only one building, so we realized Tylia was at the wrong Marriott! Helya and I got in the car and weaved in and out of downtown traffic and one way streets, finally seeing the other hotel. We called Tylia, telling her we were close, when she tells us that she took a petty-cab to our hotel already! So, we start driving back to 6th street, and Tylia calls again, "I'm lost! I just went to room 1108 and a man in a towel answered and invited me in!" Apparently there are three Marriotts downtown, so we went to pick up Tylia at Marriott Gaslamp, and finally made it back to our real hotel.
Picture 6 girls in one room all trying to get pretty at the same time. What a mess! But we managed, and started walking around looking for somewhere to celebrate Rachel's bday dinner. Eventually,

we ended up at Asti Ristorante, a quaint, fancy Italian and seafood restaurant, that pretty much looked like the million other restaurants in the Gaslamp District. Dinner was probably the highlight of my weekend. I got a pasta with filet mignon on top, and it was INCREDIBLE. I sat there inhaling my food, with a look of pure ecstasy and joy, while everyone else laughed at me like I was insane. I was in heaven. If you want to describe to someone what an orgasm is like, have them eat what I did, and they'd totally understand. Unfortunately, dinner had to come to an end, so after stealing 100 mints, and boxing our food for the homeless, we went back to the hotel, ready to party. "Hey, anyone want some matches?....I do!"
Taking shots of vodka 10 minutes after a huge meal isn't always a good idea,

but I did my best. We planned on going to the club "On Broadway" which happened to be across the street from our hotel. Tylia got us in VIP which was half off the cover. Woot woot. We walked around OB for a while, but it was pretty empty. Searching for the exit so that we could maybe get drinks elsewhere, we found 5 other rooms, all themed and with different music genres. It ended up being a really cool place, and we spent most of our time upstairs in the techno area. Helya and I watched everyone get hammered, and Rachel got a few bday shots, while Sejal, Tylia, and Michelle flirted with some men. I was so full of food and apple flavored vodka that I couldn't even imagine having a buttery nipple shot. Helya eventually took Sejal back to the hotel, and Tylia and Miche

lle danced and hung out with some new friends. I was not really into the scene at OB anymore (especially staying pretty sober), so Rach and I decided to walk outside and see what else was going on. There were tons of people everywhere, wandering around Gaslamp District, from bar to bar. We were walking along when one of the petty-cabbers asked if we wanted a ride. I said no, and we continued to walk. I looked behind me and the petty cab guy was still watching us, and I

realized he was really quaint! So, we ran back to his cart and jumped on! He asked us where to go, and we said "we have no idea!" so he took us on a 15 minute tour of the area and we felt like we were on a rollercoaster! The adorable biker guy dropped us off at an Irish Pub, where we did NOT fit in, so we walked back to the hotel. My drunken birthday girl took off her shoes, and walked along with a huge smile, saying, "I am SO happy right now! I love San Diego!" And I love RachO.
Saturday morning came way too quickly. We had to check out at noon, but we also needed more than one car, so Tylia and I drove to Poway to pick up her car. Two hours later we were finally back downtown to pick up our lovely, patient friends who were waiting at Borders. Tylia almost died when she turned onto incoming traffic down a one-way street. Ha! That girl always keeps us on our toes.

We headed to Coronado Island for the day. It was soo beautiful with lots to see and do. We looked around the hotel, had mini-moos, and relaxed on the warm beach. The weather was perfect, and the scenery was even sweeter. As we were taking pictures, two Taiwanese guys came up to us with big smiles, holding up their cameras and said "Hi! We from Taiwan! Picture?" So one at a time, they would pose in front of

us, while the other snapped a shot with a silly grin, and then switched places. We wanted a picture of this with our own cameras, so one of the guys took a picture, and then he wanted to be in it too, he even said, "no fair!", so of course we had to take two :) A little later, I was talking to Rachel and all of a sudden she's looking over at some guysand goes "Oh My!" Tylia was brave and went over to them, asking if they could take our picture. They eagerly agreed, and we all chatted for a while. They were two Texas football players named Robin and Donny-very suiting.
It was time

to head back to Poway because Tylia's mom was making us dinner. We all got a tour of her beautiful house and cleaned up, and even her showers had those removable shower heads! I am excited way too easily, but I've never had one before, so it was cool, alright?? Tylia's mom made us really good pasta with chicken, a salad, and lots of yummy fruit!! It was such a good dinner, I had to restrain myself from going back for seconds. For dessert, we had homemade brownies that were AMAZING. They tasted like fudge, and pretty much made my night. I heart good food. We took shots in Tylia's room, hiding from her mom, and Helya said it was like being in high school. (People took shots in high school??)
Tylia and Michelle offered to drive us to Pacific Beach (or PB if you wanna

sound cool), but first we stopped off to say hi to the Texans at some fancy apartment complex. All I could think about was having to pee. So, I did...in the planter. :) We had some drinks with the hot guys, and finally went to PB. After struggling to find parking, and a little bit of drama which we are all going to forget about, we made it to the bars. However, at Typhoon Saloon, Helya was at the front of the line, and was told she would not be served. Apparently, she was too drunk to be let inside, which was LAME, because she seemed completely fine. So, we went to Moondoggies and it was full. Then to the next bar, which was also full. We should have expected that since it was already midnight, but we were still ANGRY. PB can kiss my ass. We ended up at "Bub's" which w

as this dirty dive bar that smelled and was basically not fun. But, nevertheless, I had a blast all night, just wandering

around being drunk. I am entertained very easily and it doesn't take much to make me happy. After Helya, Sejal, and the boys got kicked out of Bub's, we went to get mexican food. RachO and I entertained ourselves with the EZ-J sign, while Helya and Sejal went to smoke Hookah at Sinbads. It was the end of the night, which was dramatic, interesting, and a little worrysome. Remember kids: DD's rock, leaving your friends is a bad idea, EZ-J is hot, alcohol takes your money, conscience, and ability to speak in an inside voice.
Sunday morning we woke up a half hour after we were supposed to leave. Tylia's mom made french toast and we were soon on the road back to SLO. We took 6 freeways, but made it back in good time. 6 girls were all back where they started, only 57 times more exhausted. I wanted to jot down somethings to remember for future reference:
-girls can be dramatic, so just expect it.
-2 cars in san diego frustrating trying to get around and park.
-leave really early in the morning
-smile and just enjoy the time you have with your closest friends because it will all change soon.
-If you're going to go to On Broadway, make sure you dress really slutty and maybe even get a tattoo that looks like plants growing out of your ass. And never go into a bathroom stall with another girl, unless you want a bitchy security lady to take you outside and glare at you, assuming you were snorting coke in there together, even though you've never even seen coke and you just wanted to chat while you pee.

To everyone who came with me on this trip, thank you so much for making my life a little more fun :) I love you all very much, and it means a lot to be able to spend time with my favorites before everyone starts graduating and leaving. To those who couldn't make it, we missed you very much, and hopefully there will be another opportunity to have an adventure together.
Helya I love you my wonder twin! Thank you for being sober with me on Friday night, and having the same thoughts as me. It helps knowing someone thinks the way I do. You're my forever dance partner and caretaker! Muah
Michelle First of all, thanks so much for driving and dealing with the traffic. I liked driving your car too :) Good work getting kissed by a MAN because of your juicy, luscious lips! I am so glad you got the pasta with filet mignon like I did because only you know exactly what I'm talkin bout! YUM? YES.
Rachel I hope your birthday was everything you dreamed of! Ok, ok, I know you can dream of something better like hot guys drooling over your every move, and making you say OMC! But, it was pretty darn fun, huh!? Thanks for always making me laugh, laughing at my stupid jokes, and boosting my ego by complimenting my exquisite miniatures. And Rach, your hair is gorgeous.

Sejal I'm so glad you came along! You are hilarious and so full of life! I love it! You definitely kept us having a good time, and were so easy to get along with. You showed us all how to go all out. Thanks for teaching me about Hookah :) We need more Sejal around!
Tylia Thanks for having us at your house and giving us a tour of San Diego! (Even though you couldn't find your way around downtown if it were life and death!) You are the cutest girl ever, and I am so happy to be your friend, you always put a smile on my face. I will never forget you at OB, "Let's go dance! I just want to dance!" You crazy girl. Let's get an apartment in San Diego next year ok? No, really. I'm serious!
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