Something's Missing
John Mayer- Something's Missing
(has this song come up in my blog before?)
I'm not alone.
I wish I was.
Cuz then I'd know
I was down because
I couldn't find a friend around,
To love me like they do right now.
I'm dizzy from the shopping mall.
I searched for joy, but I bought it all.
It doesn't help the hunger pangs,
And a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate.
Something's missing,
And I don't know how to fix it.
Something's missing,
And I don't know what it is.
When autumn comes,
It doesn't ask,
It just walks in where it left you last.
You never know when it starts,
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart.
I can't be sure that this state of mind is not of my own design.
I wish there was an over-the-counter test,
For loneliness.
For loneliness like this.
Something's different
And I don't know what it is.
Friends, check!
Money, check!
A well slept, opposite sex, check!
Guitar, check!
Microphone, check!
Messages waiting on me, when I come home, check!
My life really doesn't suck, this is just a good representation of the lack of stability I feel from day to day. However, don't feel sorry for me, or worry, because I'm feeling better. As soon as I realized that I'm mostly overdramatizing a lot of things in my life (besides the loss of my grandma), then I knew, "ohhh, so really, life is GOOD, and I am such a lucky girl!!" Slowly, I realize that and I need to start doing things for myself, instead of for others. I am such a giver, I always try to make everyone else happy, or proud of me. Maybe I should make myself proud of me. You say, "duh", but it has taken me a long time to come to this conclusion. Who cares if I don't make a ton of money, especially right out of college? As long as I am happy where I live, who I'm around, and where I work- that's more important than money. And I have a lot of friends who are offering their couches. They even said they'll PAY ME to stay in SLO! jk..I'm a dreamer. Who cares if I don't know for sure what I want to be when I grow up? It will come to me with experience and time, and trying different things because, hey, I CAN change my mind. My parents are going to be more proud of me once they know I am happy with myself. Yeah, they want me to live a good life, but with a degree, and these good looks, I'll be fine! ;) Who cares if I don't write my paper, or study for a midterm, or even finish my senior project?! HA! Just kidding, gotta do those things. But I realized today that sometimes school work calms me. I was telling a friend of mine that when I'm writing a paper, or working on a project, everything else in the world disapears and I feel good about myself. Just relax, I'll get everything done, I always do...and with pizazz and greatness!! Who cares if I don't have a "boyfriend?" At least I have someone around EVERY DAY who makes me feel special, taken care of, and happy. Sometimes you have to be patient with people you care about because everyone has gone through different life experiences that makes them who they are...but it doesn't mean they don't care about you, or want to be with you. Having a dramatic, complicated, bad relationship with a silly title is worse than having a really good friend who opens his arms to you, listens to you, and wants to spend his time with you. I need to just let it go. Life is good!
"I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world"
(I like to think I am that girl.)

I wish I was.
Cuz then I'd know
I was down because
I couldn't find a friend around,
To love me like they do right now.
I'm dizzy from the shopping mall.
I searched for joy, but I bought it all.
It doesn't help the hunger pangs,
And a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate.
Something's missing,
And I don't know how to fix it.
Something's missing,
And I don't know what it is.
When autumn comes,
It doesn't ask,
It just walks in where it left you last.
You never know when it starts,
Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart.
I can't be sure that this state of mind is not of my own design.
I wish there was an over-the-counter test,
For loneliness.
For loneliness like this.
Something's different
And I don't know what it is.
Friends, check!
Money, check!
A well slept, opposite sex, check!
Guitar, check!
Microphone, check!
Messages waiting on me, when I come home, check!
My life really doesn't suck, this is just a good representation of the lack of stability I feel from day to day. However, don't feel sorry for me, or worry, because I'm feeling better. As soon as I realized that I'm mostly overdramatizing a lot of things in my life (besides the loss of my grandma), then I knew, "ohhh, so really, life is GOOD, and I am such a lucky girl!!" Slowly, I realize that and I need to start doing things for myself, instead of for others. I am such a giver, I always try to make everyone else happy, or proud of me. Maybe I should make myself proud of me. You say, "duh", but it has taken me a long time to come to this conclusion. Who cares if I don't make a ton of money, especially right out of college? As long as I am happy where I live, who I'm around, and where I work- that's more important than money. And I have a lot of friends who are offering their couches. They even said they'll PAY ME to stay in SLO! jk..I'm a dreamer. Who cares if I don't know for sure what I want to be when I grow up? It will come to me with experience and time, and trying different things because, hey, I CAN change my mind. My parents are going to be more proud of me once they know I am happy with myself. Yeah, they want me to live a good life, but with a degree, and these good looks, I'll be fine! ;) Who cares if I don't write my paper, or study for a midterm, or even finish my senior project?! HA! Just kidding, gotta do those things. But I realized today that sometimes school work calms me. I was telling a friend of mine that when I'm writing a paper, or working on a project, everything else in the world disapears and I feel good about myself. Just relax, I'll get everything done, I always do...and with pizazz and greatness!! Who cares if I don't have a "boyfriend?" At least I have someone around EVERY DAY who makes me feel special, taken care of, and happy. Sometimes you have to be patient with people you care about because everyone has gone through different life experiences that makes them who they are...but it doesn't mean they don't care about you, or want to be with you. Having a dramatic, complicated, bad relationship with a silly title is worse than having a really good friend who opens his arms to you, listens to you, and wants to spend his time with you. I need to just let it go. Life is good!
"I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world"
(I like to think I am that girl.)

ohhhhh Jaime....I loved that post. It was a good one. There is so much truth to the things you said. Life is just what it is....and that's it. There is no hidden meaning to things...things just are the way they are. They don't have to mean something. Once everyone figures that out...we'll all be a lot better off.
11:22 PM
WHAT!? I don't believe that..or at least I don't want to. But hey, someone writes them, so at least someone is being beautiful...hopefully its a cute guy.
6:45 PM
I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
3:55 PM
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