Lovely on the inside

Last night I took Rachel out to Novo as a token of my appreciation for helping me move most of my furniture across town. We had a great dinner and acted pretty much retarded the entire night. I couldn't speak like a normal human being, as usual, because I was so nervous about this date (haha), and then we held hands and gazed at the moonlight glistening on the water. Then we acted like we had never eaten dessert before and we stared wide-eyed at the dessert tray, wanting one of each. All of a sudden, my idiotic self managed to toss my cell phone through the balcony posts and watched as it fell two stories onto a bed of rocks next to the creek. I probably yelled, "holy shit" really loud as I ran down to get my phone and to my dismay it was wet and wouldn't turn on. I felt lost for a few hours, but today my phone has magically repaired itself and it is working completely fine and only has minor scratches. Life is wonderful.
Other exciting things:
+ Jessica's Bday bash at Mcarthys last nite - a night of good drinks mixed with some enthralling conversation.
+ School starts Monday and my schedule is looking pretty good. I have 11 units: Drugs and Poisons, Black Theatre, Undergrad Seminar, and the completion of my senior project. On top of this, I'll be working at EAS 19 hours a week. I'll be taking the GRE sometime in October and November, and applying for Grad schools by December. Oh, and I'll be looking for a "career". BUT never fear, this craziness won't stress me out because I got a really cool new backpack. Now all I need is some back-to-school shoes.
+ TimO makes me smile almost as much as chocolate oblivion with a side of new jeans does. What? Shh!
+ I got a new Coldplay song called "Proof" that is absolutely beautiful--thanks Lauren.
So I waited for you
What wouldn't I do
And I'm covered it's true
I'm covered in you
And if I ever want proof
I find it in you
Yeah I honestly do
In you I find proof
Light and dark
Bright Spark
Light and dark
And then lightAnd if I ever want proof
I find it in you
Yeah I honestly do
In you I find proof
Light and dark
Bright Spark
Light and dark
I like how you're not going to be stressed because you have a cute new backback =]
11:15 PM
up until 4am? sounds like my ideal day. unfortunately I must rejoin society and start trying to wake up before noon or so.
1:22 AM
"whats that one word? you know, we used to say it. it means like going ahead. and its kind of past-tense but not really."
9:56 AM
"it means like galloping" ...hey rach, let's take a gander through the park
11:40 AM
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