"Songs about Jaim" is my attempt to jot down any noteworthy thought, activity, adventure, or interesting anecdote of my existence. Everything I write here is a "lyric" in the 22nd verse of my life. Come sing along by my side as I sail through Ithaka.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

SJP Finally

This is what my new hair color looks like. SJP anyone? Yes, please.


Blogger Jon said...

How about an actual picture?

10:15 PM

Blogger Jaime said...

How about some patience?

11:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snap! Snap!

1:48 PM

Blogger Jaime said...

I don't own a digital camera (well I do but its broken and it sucks anyway), so I can't just go around taking pictures of myself. Sorry. There will be pictures posted by Monday probably.

3:39 PM


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