Sicky JaimO
So I was sick all weekend...actually I've been sick since last Tuesday night. I think this is the third time I've been sick this year. I don't get enough hugs :) AHEM!!! Yeah so I watched Anchorman and Vanity Fair in bed Friday night and I wasn't really impressed with either. I should have rented more Sex and the City. I still have a nagging cough which is very annoying. I'm annoyed very easily lately...but I won't bore you with that. It's almost the end of winter quarter thank god. Two weeks left, and no more 8am mornings 5 days a week.
To do till Spring break:
Biochem lab final -tomorrow
One more firework attempt- tomorrow (new acrylic base!)
Last IA lab report - due Friday
English paper - due Monday
English Final Monday
IA Final Monday
Biochem Final Thursday
Spring break plans:
Work Tues, Wed, Thurs 8-5
Dad comes Thurs night-Sunday
Spring break means relaxation and money. Better than school.
Spring Quarter:
Inorganic Lab
Advanced Physical Chemistry
Surface Chem
Computers for Poets (woot woot)
Senior Project -Rapidly Convective Acoustics (i like saying that)
Work 16 hrs/week
Party on Thursday nights :) YAAAY
STOMP April 2nd
Mom and Phil April 7th
Idaho April 14th
Reno April 16th
Time to study for biochem lab final, take some cough medicine and sleep??? (PRAY!!)
And I'll leave you with three things to always remember in life:
FINISH WITH A FLOURISH!! - time is running what you gotta do to finish strong.
DON'T LET SOMEONE ELSE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU!! - be responsible for yourself, and take care of your business. Bitches.
CALL YOUR MOM!!- She'll love you for it and send lots of presents.
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