Mas Fireworks!
"Pyrotechnic" (as skoony would say) experiments are still going strong, and today was pretty successful. I added some sublimed sulfur, and some strontium nitrate sugar to the mixture, and skoony came up with the idea to put a plastic bottle cap with a hole in the middle on top of the base tube. The reaction was magnificent! This week, the flame was a little brighter and higher and sparked some from the sulfur. There wasnt much smoke and residue due to the plastic cap, but it melted almost completely by the end of the "show". The second time around, we didn't use a cap, and we added some more sugar. There was a ton more smoke, and the reaction lasted over a minute!!! I have it on film thanks to the coolest chem guy around, Jon. Let me know if you'd like to check it out! Next week, we're going to use a metal cap that won't melt with the intense heat of the reaction. Should be fun!
That Jon sounds like a pretty cool guy
8:36 PM
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